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Märynummi Hiking Trail

Hirvitie 96, Halikko
Märynummen retkeilyreitin varrella
Märyn retkeilyreitin kalliolla
Märyn retkeilyreitin varrella ihastuttava puro
Märyn retkeilyreitillä hyvin opasteita

The hiking trail (starting from the car park at Hirvitie 96) runs clockwise along Märynummi’s forest paths, rocks, mires, and network of forest roads. The total length of the route is approximately 5.5 km, and it takes approximately 1 to 2 hours to go around it. The map can be found on the website of Märynummi Village Association. The hiking trail is a intermediate trail and suitable for people of different ages in good physical condition.

Address: Hirvitie 96, Halikko

Märynummen ulkoilualueen kohde-esite (pdf) (293,09 Kt)


Salon retkeilykohteet Märynummen Kyläyhdistys ry
Märynummen kyläyhdistys ry (Märynummi Village Association)