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Plexipave tennis courts in Salo Sports Park

Salon Urheilupuisto, Pormestarinkatu 6, 24100 Salo

Two tennis courts with an acrylic Plexipave surface. Located next to a basketball court.
Check the booking programme Timmi for reservations:
Plexipave court 1

Plexipave court 2

Apply for regular time slots in the booking programme Timmi by the required deadline in the spring. For more information on Timmi and the deadlines.
After the deadline, individual slots can be booked directly in the booking programme (Timmi). Free of charge.

Players can use the changing rooms and toilets in the maintenance building of Salo Sports Park.

Bring your own playing equipment.


Tilavaraukset Salon Urheilupuisto
Salon liikuntapalvelut
02 7784725