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Kitula fitness trail

Kitulantie 14, 25410 Suomusjärvi
Kitulan kuntoradan opastaulu
Suomusjärven urheilukenttä ja kuntoilulaitteet takana kuntorata
Kitulan kuntoradalla

The Suomusjärvi fitness trail is located in the centre of Suomusjärvi, in Kitula, next to the sports field.

The lighted 1-kilometre fitness trail is demanding. During the snowy season in the winter, there are tracks for traditional skiing and skate skiing, an additional track in the sports field, approx. 350 metres.

There is outdoor exercise equipment under the canopy and disc golf course next to the sports field.
There is an old crushing plant along the fitness trail, with a pond and summer theatre area.

The address of the parking area is Kitulantie 14, 25410 Suomusjärvi.

Ski track

Suomusjärvi fitness track on the map
Salon liikuntapalvelut