Kauppalan Säästöpankki’s Building
Horninkatu 11
At the end of the era characterised by Classicism, the savings bank Salon Kauppalan Säästöpankki commissioned a commercial and residential building to be built alongside Horninkatu. It was designed by the architect Toivo Paatela, whose original drawings contain symmetrical parts on both sides of the avant-corps, the central part jutting out of the building. Eventually, only an avant-corps consisting of three pilasters was built on one side of the building, as well as the building’s right-side wing. At the time of its completion in 1930, the Salon Kauppalan Säästöpankki building, with its solidity and timelessness typical for Classicism, was one of the most noteworthy architectural attractions in Salo, and it still continues to be.