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Kärävuori fitness trail

Kuruntie 30, 24800 Halikko
Halikon ulkokuntoilutelieet
Kärävuoren kuntoradan vieressä kaunis kallio
Kärävuoren kuntorata syksyllä kuvattu
Kärävuoren opastaulu

Lighted fitness trail of 2.8 km. There are no ski tracks, so you can walk on the fitness trail also during the snowy season. This is an intermediate trail.

There is outdoor exercise equipment with an adjacent children’s playground along the fitness track.

The guideboard for the fitness trail is located in the courtyard of Halikko upper secondary school, at Kuruntie 30.

The address of the parking area is Kuruntie 30, 24800 Halikko.

Kärävuori fitness track on the map
Salon liikuntapalvelut