Matti Nummelin, Prelude, 1977
Uskelan koulun julkisivussa Kavilankatu 1, Salo

The relief Prelude by the Halikko-based artist Matti Nummelin (1927–2014) was attached to the wall of Salo School of Business, currently named Uskela School (Kavilankatu 1), when the building was completed in 1977. Nummelin was inspired by the prelude to Richard Wagner’s opera The Mastersingers of Nurenberg the Savonlinna Opera Festival. The piece is constructed of stainless steel and beams of light shine upwards from underneath it, illuminating the work in the dark. Matti Nummelin’s relief Relay Runners from 1975 can be found on the wall of Salo Sports Hall (Perniöntie 7).