Kreivinmäki Open-Air Museum
Viurilantie 34, Halikko
This sight has taken accessibility partially in account.
Museoalue on pääosin esteetön, mutta rakennusten väliset reiti ovat paikoin epätasaisia.

On the old mill hill, you can see what the rustic milieu looked like in the 1700s and 1800s. On the hill of the Kreivilä Open-Air Museum, you can see a smock-styled windmill, a loft storehouse and two other outbuildings.
The miller’s croft at Kreivinmäki dates back to the 1700s. Tenant farmers still lived there in the early 1900s.
Kreivinmäki has also been called Maorlanmäki, Myllymäki and Maunula hill. It was since named after Vuorentaa’s count C. G. Armfelt, after he donated the windmill grounds for the open-air museum in 1953.
The museum grounds can be explored all year round, and you can access them freely, but the area is not maintained in the winter.
Note! The croft is private property.