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Halikko Museum

Kirkkorinne 7, Halikko
Vanhoja maatalousesineitä museon sisällä.
Pyörä, jossa on iso etupyörä ja pieni takapyörä. Vanhanaikainen.
Vanhoja koulukirjoja kansakoulun ajalta.
Mustavalkoisia vanhoja valokuvia vanhan piirimielisairaalan asukeista
Vanhoja piirimielisairaalan hoitovälineitä, stetoskooppi, ohjekirjoja, tähystystarvikkeita, malja.
Sairaanhoitajan puku, hoitajan pulpetti, lääkepulloja, painelaite, mittausastioita, seinällä valokuva

Close to the church of Halikko, there is a sturdy granary. The granary was built in 1849, and it was like a bank for the people of its time: it was used to store grain. Grain stored well inside the building’s three-metres wide stone walls. In years of famine, people could borrow grain from the granary for an interest fee. The building was introduced as a museum in 1955.

The museum has three floors and it displays Halikko’s history comprehensively. On the ground floor, visitors can familiarise themselves with agriculture and women’s work in the farm. You can also see what a workshop of a carpenter, cobbler or tailor looked like a hundred years ago.

The second floor of the museum has a school department, a collection of money and a collection of weapons, including count C.G. Armfelt’s handsome swords and sabres.
Halikko Museum is part of the nationally significant built cultural environment of the Halikko church region.

The museum is closed on winter season.

Free entrance.

Anna Väänänen, museoamanuenssi
(02) 778 4902
Salon historiallinen museo SAMU
Mariankatu 14, Salo