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Tupuri pumptrack

Kalkkimäenrinne 3, 24280 Salo, Suomi
Pumptrack rata ja scootti
Pumptrack-radalla poika scoottaa

The pumptrack in our outdoor sports area for communal use is an undulating route covered in asphalt. Its main curves are tilted to maintain speed. The tracks are perfect for developing skills needed in cycling, and for simply having a bit of fun outdoors in the fresh air. Riding on the tracks develops balance, coordination and visual reaction time, as well as bike-handling and biking technique.
The pumptrack can be entered from the side of the dog park.
There is no winter maintenance on the trail.

Instructions for pumptrack users:

  • Always wear a helmet!
  • You use the pumptrack at your own risk.
  • You can go around the track in any direction.
  • Motor vehicles are not permitted and users are not allowed to alter the track or make new paths.
  • The track is open for bikers and kickbikers, skateboarders, roller skaters and scooter riders of all ages, and people using wheelchairs.
Salon liikuntapalvelut