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Ruukkipolku – Ironworks Path

Ruukinrannantie 6, 25660, Mathildedal
Old rolling shop at the Mathildedal Iron Works.
Sign at the Mathildedal Iron Works and an old red fire equipment shed.
Sun setd behind an old carpentery shop.
Aerial picture of the Mathildedal Iron Works.
Watermill at the Mathildedal's stream.

For those in hunger for culture Ruukkipolku map is for you! The map is a history map of the Mathildedal Iron Works. From the map you can read about the history of the buildings in the area.

The area is full of history and ambiance. With the history knowlige you can easily experience the feeling of the olden days and imagine the life in the past.

The map is available in our website or you can get it from Hotel Mathildedal’s reception.

The program is also available for groups when you get a guide to tell you more about the area.

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Mathildedal Ruukkitehtaat
Ruukinrannantie 6, 25660, Mathildedal