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Muurla fitness trail

Urheilutie 1, 25130 Muurla
Muurlan kuntoradasta kuvaa
Muurlan kuntoradan laavu
Muurlan kuntoradan lähtöpaikan vieressä kuntosali ja urheilukenttä
Muurlan kuntoradan opastaulu

The lengths of the lighted tracks of the fitness trail are 2.7 kilometres, 2 kilometres, and 800 metres. During the snowy season in the winter, there are tracks for both traditional skiing and skate skiing.

The starting point is in the immediate vicinity of the sports field. Near the starting point, there is also a gym, a turf, and a beach volley court.

A lean-to shelter, administered by Muurlan Vihuri, can be found along the trail.

The address of the parking area is Urheilutie 1, 25130 Muurla.

Ski track

Muurla fitness track on the map
Salon liikuntapalvelut