Melassuo tennis courts

Three clay tennis courts are located next to each other in the Melassuo sports area.
Book and pay for your tennis reservations online.
Book an individual session on the clay tennis courts of Melassuo in Perniö via Timmi. The price is 7 euros/hour, and the fee is paid via internet banking in connection with the booking. You can make a booking after registering as a user in Timmi. Instructions for registration in Timmi. You can use the courts for free if they are not occupied. Please note that you will have to leave the court if people with a booking arrive.
Check the booking programme Timmi for reservations:
Clay court 1
Apply for regular time slots in the booking programme Timmi by the required deadline in the spring. For more information on Timmi and the deadlines.
There are no toilets or changing rooms near the courts. Bring your own playing equipment.
The tennis courts open in May and close in September.