Kiskontie 2260 A, 25460 Kisko
Kiskohalli has a sports hall and a gym.
Sports hall
- 560 square metres
- 28 x 20 metres
- Height 9.6 metres, clear height 7 metres
- Clear length 27.8 metres, clear width 19.5 metres.
- The space can be divided in two with a partition curtain
- Possibility of using the whole hall: basketball, handball, volleyball, floorball rink, tennis, futsal, three badminton courts crossways
- Divided with a partition curtain: Space 1: a small basketball court, volleyball and badminton courts. Space 2: a small basketball court, volleyball and badminton courts, facilities for gymnastics (ropes, rings, high bar, gymnastics equipment in the storage).
- Synthetic floor material
- Changing rooms 1 and 2 for men, shared shower
- Changing rooms 3 and 4 for women, shared shower
The gym in Kisko is located in a civilian shelter in connection with Kiskohalli. The gym has a rowing machine and an exercise bike for warm-up exercises. In addition, there are free weights and machines with adjustable weights in the gym. The changing rooms with showers are located in the entrance hall of Kiskohalli.
Customers aged 15 and over can use the gym independently, and those aged 13 over are welcome if accompanied by a parent (both pay an entrance fee).
- 80 square metres
- 10 metres x 8 metres, height 3 metres
Check the price list for prices (finnish)
Gym users pay for an annual fee at the swimming pool (Anistenkatu 6) or at a service point. The gym key is only for personal use of the key holder.
Opening times:
Mon–Sun 7:00–21:00